Friday 6 February 2009

On the look-out for rhinos in the Matopos National Park Reserve

Fucking Bianca almost breaks down the door to wake me up! I've got to remind her if I wake up in the morning in a bad way I'm grouch all day. Anyway, it isn't the greatest day for me and on top of it rains so much... Takalani realizes I'm not very happy today, but I tell him I don't wanna talk about it right now. He kindly offers to listen when I'll feel like it.
We start again and along the way we get stopped several times by the police that is usually very corrupt as in the all poor and unstable countries.
We arrive at Matopos National Park Reserve early in the afternoon. Is located in a region full of history in the south west part of the country, just 40 km from Bulawayo. The park offers a good blend of history, landscapes and wildlife. Throughout the area there're numerous caves with ancient bushmen paintings depicting scenes of everyday life before Zimbabwe was discovered. Most animals can be spotted in the small Whovi Game Park including the white rhino, giraffe, ostriches, wildebeests, leopards and several species of antelope, and if lucky, the rare black rhino.

a few step by rhinos

Mother and son hinder us the passage

We have lunch and then move into the reserve by jeep with an expert guide. For the first part we stay on the vehicle, then we start the walking safari. Before the begining our guide will explains us exactly what we need and what is forbidden to do if we meet animals, especially rhinos. He says it's useless to start running, rhinos run faster than us, about 45 km/h and they would reach us in 3 or 4 seconds. For us it would be the end.
We move into the bushveld, we literally follow the fresh "droppings" of the rhinos. Our excellent local guide leads us 10 meters from them. We approach slowly, in silently. When they take a few steps towards us, we take a few steps back and they stop. It's an amazing experience.
The white rhinos are less aggressive than the blacks ones and for 99% of cases they don't attack man. You're not telling me i'm going to be part of the 1% today, right?
We get back to the vehicle and spot more rhinos. We get within 5-6 meters of those rhinos who appear to be quit. I'm not afraid because I'm enough close to the jeep and I could run away in case of danger.
Then we meet other two rhinos, one is a pregnant mother with her puppy. They are so lovely but we have to hurry cause park closes at 6 pm and they don't want to move out of the way.

After the safari we drive to our lodge. It's perched on the rocks, it's gorgeous. The dinning room has an entire wall around which the whole structure was built. The rooms are scattered among the huge boulders and even these are really beautiful, they're clean, decorated in African-style. All for just $ 10!

Keep reading... My travel story continues in the next post!

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