Tuesday 10 February 2009

Through Zambia

When we wake up, at 6 am, it is still dark. We start to enter Zambia. Today will be a long transfer day, about 600 km.
The first hours we walk on a completely bumpy road, so full of holes as to make impossible any attempt to take a nap.
We stop for lunch at board of the street. Children pass on foot and many people come home from school by bike. We continue on our way. We pass through remote villages and small towns, all sharing the same misery. A short stop for shopping, we have to buy groceries and supply of water for 4 days. When we stop to buy bananas, the truck is immediately surrounded: all shout the price of their products but Takalani and Bianca decide to buy them at the fruit market.

Chirundu, a little town in Zambia
a market in Zambia
poor but ever smiling children
woman at market

We reached Chirundu where we camp at Gwabi River Lodge, situated on the banks of the Kafue River, an important tributary of the Zambezi. Chirundu is situated on the border with Zimbabwe. It's an important place of transit trade: it's one of the main towns along the Great North Road and is leased near a major bridge over the river, Chirundu Bridge. In the afternoon we relax at the pool, each spends his time as want and then we take the dinner.

Keep reading... My travel story continues in the next post! 

Kafue river
2009 © Giovanna Puccia, all right reserved
a nice sunset at the Kafue river 2009 © Giovanna Puccia, all right reserved

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