Tuesday 23 March 2010

Petra, splendor of Jordan

When we land in Aqaba there are at least 25°C, it’s cool, and I'm happy to spend this vacation with some new friends: Raffaella and Dario. We take an anonymous triple room in a 3-star hotel and go out immediately to look for a typical restaurant to have lunch. Then we move to the seafront to take a walk and get to know the habits and customs of the place.
The next day, our journey through the Jordan's most popular destinations begins.
Petra, a magical and enchanted place… it’s difficult to understand how they were able to create something so magnificent. The site is very large, it takes at least 2 full days to visit it without hurrying. We admire it in a single day and quickly. Today, we walk for 16 km ... Sorry, they walk! Unfortunately, I don’t have the proper footwear and I'm forced to rent a donkey with its master to take me to the top of the mountain in order to see the famous Monastery. 832 steps… I could have never made it, even if I had had the mountain boots. The donkey works also for me! It doesn’t seem tired; usually, it's used to carry 100/150 kg of pure American women stuffed with McDonald, so when it saw me, it must have breathed a sigh of relief! And don't think that I don’t make any effort! I do a hard work with my arms trying to not fall off the donkey ... I am even reached by Franco, the team leader, an overactive 70-year-old man ... too much active!

The Treasury at Petra.
2010 © Giovanna Puccia. All right are reserved.
The Monastery ofi Petra.2010 © Giovanna Puccia. All right are reserved.
The Canyon of Petra.
2010 © Giovanna Puccia. All right are reserved.
The Roman theater.
2010 © Giovanna Puccia. All right are reserved.

Do you wanna see all pics taken in Jordan? Then click here

Here's the video of my trip to Jordan in March 2010.
The video can also be seen directly on youtube at this link


Keep reading.... My travel story continues in the next post!

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