Thursday 25 March 2010

Excursion to Wadi Rum: 33 euros, not!

Wadi Rum is a must-go destination for those who go to Jordan, but to be cheated by those who sold us the holiday is something that we don't like! The agency proposed a 2-hour trip by jeep in the desert for the "modest" amount of 33 euro per person. I had studied the guide in advance and read many reviews of other travelers, so I was aware that at the visitor center, at the entrance of Wadi Rum, they were proposing the exact same trip for 35 dinars (about 35 euro) per jeep! And there are 6 people in the jeep...! In the blink of an eye, I gather the maximum number we need to form a complete car; of course, when I expose the scam from the agency to my friends, they're all with me! We reach the first stop and who do we meet? The other members of the group, unaware of the enormous price that they paid. When Elias, our guide, sees us getting off from another jeep becomes suddenly pale (becoming pale is hard for a Jordanian!) But deep inside he is proud/happy for us that we weren’t tricked like the others... And of course, when everyone got to know the price we paid, the discontent started... Wake up people, wake up!

Wadi Rum. 2010 © Giovanna Puccia. All rights are reserved.
2010 © Giovanna Puccia. All rights are reserved.

Wadi Rum. 2010 © Giovanna Puccia. All rights are reserved.

Do you wanna see all pics taken in Jordan? Then click here!

Keep reading.... My travel story continues in the next post!

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