Friday 11 March 2011

Back in Bangkok

The last day in Bangkok is entirely devoted to shopping. We would like to go to the floating market but it is located 80 km west of Bangkok and we don’t want to go all out to do something  so much. So we go to the Chatuchak weekend market, the largest open-air market in the world. An infernal crowd, scents, odors, voices. Here you can find everything, but the market is famous for its copied clothing, shoes and household stuff. We can’t resist more than a couple of hours in this sort of hell, so we decide to return to the shopping temple par excellence: the MBK. We get the last gifts, the last personal purchases and at 7 pm, after using the underground, the skytrain and a cab, we return to the hotel. After a shower and a bad dinner, we go to bed at 10 pm. Tomorrow we have to wake up at 3.30 am: destination Milan. During our stop in Delhi, they seize Sebastiano’s lighter and pepper: the gifts for his parents. One more thing to learn: some spices are not allowed in India; as for the lighter .... well, we knew that already

 Do you wanna see all pics taken in Thailand? Then CLICK HERE  

It’s better to not lose each other in this river of people
Hellish traffic to Metro Chatuchak

The Chatuchak Market
We have to go :( demented

Total cost of the 16-day holiday all inclusive (including flight and gratuities): 1580 for me, and not even 1500 euro for Sebastiano.

 Do you wanna see all pics taken in Thailand? Then CLICK HERE 

Good Thailand to all!

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