Sunday 27 February 2011

Looking for a 17 euro per night accomodation for two? In Bangkok you’ll find it no worries!

When I woke up in that king size bed my first spontaneous impulse was to take a peek out of the window to enjoy the colorful view on the city: what a shame to find out that everything around was coloured in shades of grey! Curiously, the night before the skyline looked to be pastel-rose coloured on my reflex camera screen. We are definetely going to remember the significant change in temperature between the lobby and the swimming pool area. The high humidity curls my usually straight hair, but it only seems to be affecting mine, because indigenous ladies’ hair looks to be immune to any high moisture: it always looks beautiful, silky and as straight as spaghetti.
We suffered no jet lag symptoms so we got up full of energy and with great expectations.
The first cheat / trick / rip-off we had to face was from a taxi driver, probably the only one across the country to observe the taximeter without being asked.

Do you wanna see all pics taken in Thailand? Then click here
Hotel Prince Palace. Camera Superior. 2011 © Giovanna Puccia.
All rights reserved. 
Hotel Prince Palace. Camera Superior. 2011 © Giovanna Puccia.
All rights reserved.

Hotel Prince Palace. Camera Superior. 2011 © Giovanna Puccia.
All rights reserved.

Keep reading... My travel story continues in the next post!

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