Friday 20 February 2009

Lake Malawi: a very very beautiful place

Malawi, Nkhata Bay (Kande Beach) – Chitimba
Soon after our departure, we decide to have a break for some shopping in a typical Malawian marketplace. There was such a stench all around me. The marketplace is organized into different sectors: fruit, vegetables and fish on one side, home accessories and music stuff on the other. Anyways it's really stinky all around, and I don't really think I could eat all that food and come out alive.
On the northern shore of Lake Malawi is located Chitimba, a village placed up north, close to Tanzania border. We climbed up and down a little mountain where we could enjoy the beauty of a breathtaking panorama. The water of the lake was turquoise blue, but when I reached the beach it had weirdly turned into brown: Bianca suggests us to have a dip. The lodge-campsite is located on a golden sand beach surrounded by palm and pawpaw trees. I decide to spend the whole afternoon dozing in the shade, nothing special. I'm all dirty, I take a look at the clothes I've been wearing for 3 days: they're filthy as well but I don't feel like changing them and taking a shower either: that’s Africa man!
In the evening it rained in torrents as usual and it keeps going on all night long, but I pitched my tent under a protective canopy so that I am not very much bothered by dampness and wet. 

View of Lake Malawi 2009 © Giovanna Puccia. All rights reserved.
View of Lake Malawi 2009 © Giovanna Puccia. All rights reserved.

20th February 2009 
Tanzania, Chitimba Kisolanga.
4.30 a.m.: we woke up very early today, we gotta leave to Tanzania at 5.45 a.m.  It's gonna be a long trip today.
While at the customs I catch sight of a man whose trousers are so large that he is forced to fasten his belt at armpit level. I know I shouldn't be laughing but he also looks a little bit stupid, or perhaps I'm just a little tired of such a poverty and I'm becoming indifferent to all this.
All men walk around holding in their hands wads of worthless banknotes. They're looking for someone to dupe, or they try to sell any sort of items, even the most useless stuff like card decks.
Soon afterwards Bianca runs over a pig puppy: who knows if it died or not. The other guys keep laughing all day long on this topic but I don't find it funny at all!

In the afternoon we arrive at the Old House Farm Kisolanga where we examine our situation but it's raining cats and dogs and none of us is willing to pitch a tent around here.
Bianca is not gonna take me in anymore; she always passes every location off as "very very beautiful place", when they totally suck to me or when they are completely featureless, exactly like the place where we are now. I'm a bit concerned about it because when I asked her about the place where we are going to stay in Zanzibar, she even added an extra "very"…
In the twinkling of an eye evening has come cause I forgot to put my watch one hour forward. We finally have dinner at the camp which is very characteristic: it's made of mud and dung and has a thatch roof. In short like all african houses.
Tomato soup with butter bread is awesome but the rest is revolting: tonight meal is light as usual, so that at this rate I'll be back home weighing 10 kilos less.

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